This is part 2 of the story. Make sure to read part 1 before reading this.
Internet Business, a First Attempt (part1)
...we produced a nice looking little site. Ah! It was finished. Now to just start making money.
It was at this point that we realised we had a slight problem. The site was pretty much finished, but we had no jobs or resumes to post. Remember this is a job site. So the idea is that those seeking a job could come, search it and see the various openings. Also, for those looking for employees, they could come, post their jobs as well as search, and see the resumes of available folks. Now the dilemma becomes evident when either the employer or jobseeker comes to the site. The employer is meant to come and post his job, but if he comes and sees no resumes online, then what incentive does he have to post his job? Similarly, when the jobseeker comes and sees no jobs posted, what incentive does he have to post his resume?
We just never anticipated how much of a problem this would become. I thought of ways to overcome this hurdle. The most appealing solution I could think of, was to hire a pretty sales girl, who could do the leg-work required to get the database filled, and who I might also take on as a wife (if she proved useful). I was already looking forward to the interview process:
(Assuming the girl is pretty enough to get to the question stage...)
Me: So, do you have a boyfriend?
Girl: Ahh...Yes
However, we just didn't have the money for this. (I know what you're thinking, but no, I never did figure out how to get a girl to work for free, or on the thought of future returns. And even with such incentives as getting a regular smile and a pat on the back from me are not enough to keep them long enough to get the job done; sooner than later they will feel the need to buy another pair of shoes, and then will start to miss the monetary compensation). So alas, we were unable to make progress.
The website became totally non-functional last year when the hosting company did some stuff which caused a malfunction in the way the site works. We never bothered to fix it. But, we still pay for website hosting! Maybe one day we'll put the site to some use and finally begin to see some returns. It could happen.
2 months ago