Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.
I am atimco. That's right, the famous atimco. In this blog I will share interesting things with you. But my primary concern will be to share my journey with you to millionaire status, and maybe also how to get the girl.
How often have you read those stories all over the net, by so many people, who putatively are now millionaires, where they tell you how they struggled and then came upon some secret which they try to sell you, or just of rich people who try to tell you how they became rich? These stories are good for making your mouth water, but they are after the fact, assuming these guys are really rich. Anything can be written after the fact.
Well I'll be doing something different. I am no millionaire. Not even close. However, I fully intend to be one sooner than later. In this blog, I will give updates of my progress, explaining what I'm doing (if details can be divulged), where I fail, where I succeed...that sort of thing. Since I'm learning as I go along, I welcome your suggestions, and thoughts.
Some of you might be interested to know that several years ago, I discovered the secret of how to get any girl (if you're a guy). Though I'm still single, rest assured, the secret works! At some point I will probably share this powerful knowledge with you, or some of you.
Well that's all for now. In entries soon to come, I will say a bit of where I am on the road to millions, things I've tried, some of my failures, and some of my plans.
2 months ago
Yeah right
Miss mae,
How would you like to join my secretarial team?
No thanks. You are not yet a millionaire, so i assume the pay would be far from desirable.
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