Sunday, December 20, 2009

Google Slapped - Adsense Revenue slow

It has been a while since my last update on my adsense progress. I was once on track to making $30+ dollars for the month of November. That is, I was averaging $1 a day. However I barely made over $20. The site from which I was making most of this income suddenly fell in the google search results. Therefore people were no longer visiting the site. My traffic pretty much dropped to 0, and in fact it is still averaging 0.

So my adsense revenue has been down. I tried gathering backlinks for my site to help get it back up to where it used to rank, and there seems to be some progress with this, but I am not ranking well enough yet. I decided to take a break from this site, and focus on my other site, creating posts/articles that will help boost my revenue. I have had a modicum of success with this. I am in the process of creating more income generating content.

Between now and the end of the year, I hope to be making at least $3 per day. I will be creating two more sites, and hopefully I can get them to rank shortly after launching. I will report on how well this goes, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Adsense Progress and Frustrations

I am somewhat frustrated right now when it comes to adsense. But before I explain, let me quickly relate my earnings progress for the last week. Essentially for the last week I averaged $1 per day. This is pretty much in line with my average for the month so far, so I can't really say I've made progress. In fact, things look like they might be slowing down, and this is where my frustration comes in.

I am trying to grow my adsense income. Currently averaging $1 per day (which I must say is far better than where I was just a couple months ago), but hoping to soon reach $5 a day, then $10, and even $100 per day. Basically my niche site has been the more consistent money earner. For the page that I've made the most money from on that site, it was making money even when it showed up on page 3 of the search results. Then it went close to the top of page 2 and I thought it wouldn't be long before I reach page 1 where I should start to see some real growth in income. But for some reason, google decided to move my page near the bottom of page 5 in the search results. That's page 5! I get zero traffic from being on page 5. So for the last couple days, my earnings have been very poor.

I am looking to recover and surpass my average $1 per day. I hope to get my pages ranking much better soon, which I will try to achieve by getting more backlinks to them. Also, I plan to create some new content on both my sites, which hopefully should rank high soon after publishing.

So it's a lot of work to do for this week. I want to soon create a plan including a timeline to get to $100 a day. I'll talk more about that when I've gathered my thoughts sufficiently.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adsense Progress over the last couple weeks

Once again I've neglected to update this blog on a timely basis. Well let me get straight to the point.

I am just about averaging $1 a day on adsense. Looking at my earnings for the last 2 weeks, I see I am almost at $14. Now some days I make a lot less than $1, but other days compensate, averaging out things to what I said.

I have not had another day like that one I reported on the last time, where I made almost $10 in one day. But I will get there again, and produce such results more consistently. I have done more keyword research and I have found some candidates that will likely increase my revenue. I have also put some effort into building backlinks to my sites. I even added some content to the sites.

For this week coming I plan to add content based on the keyword research I did. I will also continue to add backlinks. I found a source of backlinks, and a new strategy too, which I think will give me the boost I need to move up in the SERPs. I've already seen some improvement with one of my pages I have been focusing on.

Hopefully the results of carrying through with my plan will take me to $2 per day or beyond. I will report back with results once they are in, and also to let you know how well I am following the plan.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

An Amazing Week For Adsense

Again I am late with my weekly report. I need to improve on that. I should probably post here more frequently too, for the benefit of readers and myself too, as it would help keep me focused and dedicated.

Anyway, the great news is that for last week, I made almost $14! Remember this is coming from $0.80 the previous week. So quite thrilling really. However, this seems to be somewhat of a fluke, as I actually made almost $10 in one day. I don't expect to get that again for a while. But I hope to get there sooner than later.

Perhaps I should also clarify that I made this money using two sites. My niche site was outperformed by the other.

Now as the end of the week coincided with the end of the month, I will also sum up what I got for the month of October. My adsense earnings for the month was somewhere between $17 and $18. But bear in mind that I had only started placing adsense ads on my niche site after more than a week into the month.

For this week I am trying to build some links to my sites. I am also looking for subjects to write about. I have started doing some keyword research, and will continue to do so.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekly Revenue Report and More

I am a little late with this weekly revenue report for my online earnings, specifically with adsense. But it is not because I have nothing to report, or that I'm too ashamed to say. I was just a bit busy building up my revenue sites.

Ok, so for last week, ie. week ending Oct 24, I made over $0.80. Yeah I know, almost nothing. But it's still something, and I'm thankful for that. The good thing is that I got this with very small traffic, so it really is just a matter of improving my organic traffic (ie. traffic from search engines). Also, I made money only on two days, the Sunday and Monday. I had hopes that the week would go well, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Anyway, I have planted some new revenue seeds. That is to say I have added new content to my sites. I believe they will do well in the long term. Right now I'm looking to see what further content I should create, and I'm also looking to get some new links to my site. Some good news I discovered the other day, is that someone actually linked to one of my articles all on their own. I guess I provided some useful content. I hope to have more like that, as that helps to get the site naturally ranked well, which is really how it should be in an ideal world.

Ok, it's back to work for me.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Solid Way To Millions

I have been focusing on generating revenue relatively fast, to get to millionaire status in short order. However, I want all to understand that I'm not advocating get rich quick schemes. In fact I recommend putting in place some security measures, if you are able to, before or while you're pursuing the more fast tracked route.

What I'm talking about is putting in place a plan like what you'd find spoken of in books like The Millionaire Next Door, and The Automatic Millionaire. What is given in these books is a long term plan that just about anyone can implement that will put you on the path to millions. Compound interest is emphasised, so you know this is meant to take years, even decades. But don't let that deter you from implementing this kind of plan. It need not conflict with your more rapid plans. In a worst case scenario, your fast lane plans all fail, but you will still be able to retire rich.

You can learn more about the long term approach from the article series, So You Want to be a Millionaire

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Revenue Report

I think what I will do from now on is to give a report of how much I make each week. Maybe as things pick up, I will give a daily update. Mind you, I'll post updates to the blog more frequently than once a week, but in terms of revenue reporting, for now, that will be once per week.

So this is my first report. For the week ending yesterday (Oct 17), I made close to $0.70 (I use an approximate figure here just to be sure I don't violate any terms of use). This is from my niche site and from 2 clicks. I'm not sure what my traffic was like, but it was very low. I don't get much per day. Also, this is the first week that I've had adsense ads on my site.

I'm hoping to eventually make around $300 per month from this particular site. Please don't ask me what niche it is. For a number of reasons it is just not wise to give that info out. But clearly what I need to do is to increase my traffic. However, as I said in an earlier post, it needs to be targeted and unique web traffic. This I get from search engines. So what I really need to do is to get my site ranking better in the search results. The main way of doing this is by getting backlinks to my site. So for the week coming, I will be doing what I can to increase my backlinks. I might also add new content to that site.

I should also mention that I do have another site where I am trying to earn from adsense. But so far my success on that site has been very poor. However, I anticipate it will increase as I continue to develop the site. I'll give updates on this too.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How I Plan to Make Money Online

What I want to briefly outline in this post, are my plans for how I intend to make money online.

Essentially, I am initially focusing on adsense. Specifically google adsense. My aim is to have some websites that will be monetised with adsense. With sufficient web traffic to these sites, I should be able to benefit from the inevitable ad clicks to come.

Now I've tried adsense before, and I've never really had much success. Put it this way, google won't even send you a cheque if you don't make $100 or more, and I still have a long way to go before I get my first payment from google. What is different this time around, is that I've actually learnt how to make it effective. The key really is to get targeted and unique web traffic. For when you get this, then you have people coming to your site, looking for things that your site talks about, and since the ads which show up are related to the content of your site, then that makes it more likely that they will click on these ads.

What I've done so far, is set up a niche site, to target a very specific audience. I need to now get this site ranked on the first page of google when the search terms I'm targeting are searched for. Once I get this done, then I should see results. I've already made almost $0.5 from that site with one click. Will keep you updated.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Still Pursuing Millions

Time to resurrect this blog. I'm back folks!

I never had much success with the plans I had spoken of in my prior posts. However, in recent times, I have had renewed interest in pursuing my goal of generating income online, and ultimately to make millions from this. I believe I've found some sound ways. I have given up on the so called HYIPs.

What I've been studying really is search engine optimisation (SEO) and internet marketing. I have begun to get glimpse of success in this. Not that I've made any money to speak of (unless you're impressed with $0.46). But I have been pursuing a strategy to get a site ranked well in the search engines, and I can see that it is working. Therefore, with some more time and effort, I should be able to rank well enough to begin getting decent traffic from search engines.

I am endeavouring to be more successful in keeping you updated this time. I know that I'll be more motivated, as results will be coming in, and getting better with time. So stick with me, and watch me make lots of money online