Hello Again.
Since my last entry, I received one response from one Miss mae. The person's message was simply, "Yeah right!" Such a person is called a detractor. But I take this as encouragement. For you see, all the great success stories have the detractor element to them. Take for example Cinderella. That's one of the great success stories around. Cinderella had her step-sisters and step-mom to contend with. And I say good thing for her she did, for how popular would she be now, if say her siblings and step-mom were sweet little characters? I'm afraid that wouldn't be much of a story. It just wouldn't sell as well as the real thing. So thank you Miss mae for your comment! You have helped to make my success story to come, even bigger. I can just see the big movie studios and producers fighting for the rights to make the movie about me...Ahh, sweet success!
Getting back to the millionaire focus, I want to say a bit about what I've already gone through, so that you can better understand the current position in the story. Over the years, I've tried stocks, starting internet businesses, particpating in internet schemes (which turned out to be scams), asking for a raise, and none of these things has worked out in my favour so far. Some have been very dismal. The bottomline is, it appears that if I never tried any of these things, I would be ahead. Hmm...I'd be inclined to label this person a loser, if it was not for the fact that this is about me.
Well, I am not one to be overwhelmed by past failures. My strategy will be to review some of these ventures, and try to learn from them, so that I can move forward on more solid ground. I'll share my reviews with you as I do them.
One other thing...After my first blog entry, one female lamented the fact that I said nothing about providing the girls tips on how to get the guy. Well I have considered it and I have decided that since I'm a guy, and I do know what guys want, I am well equipped to handle this too. So girls, you're in for a treat!
Stay tuned...
2 months ago
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