Monday, October 29, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Time to Get Things Going


As you no doubt noticed, I have been away for a long time. The first couple months I was busy focusing on my grand ideas. Then a family member was in an accident and was subsequently hospitalised for the next few months. I was therefore preoccupied with this. I'm just about ready to get back into the thick of things.

Concerning the other programmes I was involved in and hoping for some great returns, I am sorry to report that nothing worked out. On top of that, my plans that I had drawn up for one of my big projects was indirectly stolen. That is, it was in a case that was stolen. While it is unlikely that the thief will be able to grasp the brilliance of what is contained therein, it does mean that I have to redo the plans. Hence there will be extra delays in getting it going.

I do have a mini project working on, which should bring in some useful income. However, I do not expect this to make me my millions. Aside from the monetary benefit, it will also serve to facilitate the development of the main one, since there are aspects that will be reused.

Ok, I hope to provide more frequent updates from here on. I still have my target of $100,000 to reach by the year end!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Millionaire Quest: A Spot Of Trouble

Yes, I've been absent for a while. However, since American Idol is now over, I have more time to focus on my big idea. I shall be doing this for the next several weeks until I can get it off the ground.

In terms of a progress update, I was hoping to have good news. By now I should have received my principal back from the 60% programme. That was the plan. Unfortunately, the programme has run into a spot of trouble. Seems the SEC is poking their nose in the business and this has halted the whole operation. This could be the end of it, or it could take many weeks before things are resolved.

The other programme that should have returned a large sum several weeks ago, is still silent. Seems I'll have to count that another loss. My google adsense account is now about 20c shy of $10. Things seem dim. It is a good thing I have my big idea to fall back on.

Another bright ray of hope seems to be coming from a programme I joined last year, but experienced a plethora of problems. Seems people are now starting to get paid. I deposited $100 in it last year, and my balance is now over $3000. I need to send in some documentation, but it does seem that I might get something out of it after all. This just could be my head start in my millionaire quest. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Millionaire Quest: My New Target

My millionaire quest has been prodding along, somewhat slowly, but things are shaping up. I had wanted to provide more reports for last month, but as you know, I've been working on my American Idol project, and that has consumed a large part of my time. In addition to that, I've had to divert my attention to do some research into important matters for a friend.

Now progress is being made. The 60% program is still looking good. I have a few more weeks of waiting before I will be in profit, and be able to compound risk-free. The other HYIP I joined that was supposed to give me a very large profit (compared to my investment), has sadly continued to be delayed. At least it hasn't disappeared. I'll give until end of June before I write it off.

My adsense program has not been returning any significant yields. However, the potential is there, and I am on the right track. With all I've been learning from my personal American Idol project, I have been devising a plan on how to leverage this knowledge. I must say I'm pretty pleased with this idea. I think it is a winner! I also don't think it should be too hard to implement. Therefore, I have decided to set a new target.

Recall that my initial target was to make $500 each month from just my internet activities. I feel that is pretty much in the bag now, and with my optimism for the idea I'm working on, I believe I can strive for much higher. So on the conservative side, I am expecting to have accumulated $100,000 by the end of this year.

So that is my new target going forward until I feel that there is good reason to up it again. As usual, I'll endeavour to give updates on a regular basis.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Millionaire Quest: First Target Almost Met

Greetings folks.

I was hoping to have received a tidy return from one of the HYIPs I tried out about a month ago. Nothing has come in yet, but I've been informed that there is nothing to worry about. So I still fully expect to receive my funds in due course. Naturally I will let you all know how this works out.

The 60% programme is still going strong. I just added some more money to it. In approximately 6 weeks time, I should receive a payout that will return more than the sum of what I deposited overall. Each month thereafter, I should be earning more than $500 per month.

My adsense revenue is still small, but it is growing. The main problem I have now is devoting the time necessary to build and nurture the adsense sites. But as I said in the last update, I've profited more from my latest adsense project in terms of the knowledge and experience I picked up in getting it off the ground. As you can imagine, with a mind like mine, I've been sprouting ideas non-stop, for how to utilise this. You'll soon see some changes on this blog to that effect. So it seems exciting times are ahead.

Btw, I'm still looking for the lucky girl who will be my wife. Decent girls are scarce these days, as you know. But I am still accepting applications at this time.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Still Hoping

Good Day All.

I just wanted to provide a quick update before the month was out. I mentioned that I was expecting a nice pay out this week gone. Well it never happened. However, I know the program is still paying, but the schedule has been significantly slowed. So I'm still hoping to be paid, but it could take another week, maybe even two.

As to my progress with adsense, I am pleased to report that I've been doing well. Dollarwise it is nothing to talk about, unless one thinks $5 is a lot. Of course that is not to say I've made $5 with adsense. I'll just say that is a hint. But in terms of the number of visitors I've been receiving, and the various things I've learnt regarding the adsense program and generating traffic to a website, I do feel quite good.

I should be able to reuse a lot of this experience and knowledge for my other website endeavours, and I do fully expect that from website revenues alone, I shall be making more than $500 per month, by the end of the year.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Riding the wave

Hey Folks!

I know it appears that I haven't been as active as I've used to be. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Last time I mentioned that I acquired a brilliant idea. Well it is now bearing fruit. Today I made more in adsense revenue than I did for all time. Okay, that still doesn't say much, considering I haven't even hit $5 yet.

But I feel good! I expect things will continue to escalate over the next 10 weeks. Alright, by now you're probably wondering what I've been up to. Well let me clue you in.

As most of you know, the show American Idol is now in season. The popularity of that show is phenomenal. So I thought it would be good if I could capitalise on its popularity and ride the wave. Well that's just what I'm doing. So as of last week, I acquired some domain names to suit the purpose, and since then I've built a decent little site that is growing and gaining in popularity. I just need to make sure that I make more from the site than what I spent on domain names.

Oh, the other program (ie. the HYIPs) I'm in are still alive and well. I'm expecting a big payout next week. Will continue to keep you posted. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Stepping it up!

Good Day All.

It has almost been a while since I last updated you. Well it's about time, as I've decided to step things up a notch.

I have been observing a program that gives serious returns in very short time. I've been assured that the program admin is not a scammer. Therefore, I went through the process to fund my e-currency account. I'm pleased to report that I've dumped $500 into this gig. I'm expecting it and a lot more to be returned in a couple weeks. I'll keep you posted on that.

The 60% project I spoke of before which I have some small investment in, still calls out to me to add more. So I still left some money in my e-currency account, for the purpose of adding to this. I haven't done it yet, as there might be some other interesting programs coming on stream shortly. So I'll wait just a bit to see whether to send the remainder of my funds into the sound 60% venture, or whether to diversify into the new vehicles.

One other thing. I mentioned last time that I am reading The One Minute Millionare. Well while reading it, I came up with what I think is another brilliant idea. I'm trying to capitalise on it right now. I hope to say more on this next time. If all goes well, it will be a nice boost in this quest of mine to millionaire status.

My other projects are still in the works, but this brilliant idea must take priority, as it is time sensitive.

Until next time...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Brief Update

Good Day All!

As it is a new month, I wanted to give you an idea of how well my adsense program has been doing, and a little update on what I'm up to.

For the month of February, I made 0 with adsense. That's right, ZERO! That's not going to pay the bills. But I still expect this to pick up, and that I will have great things to report in the days and months to come.

As pertaining to the HYIP I spoke about, which returns close to 60% per month, things do look good indeed. I have not yet gotten back my principal, as I decided to compound everything the first month. Actually, things are looking so great I'm tempted to put a lot more in.

The program with the pre-IPO still looks promising. The particular stock has continued to climb since I last reported.

A forex programme that I'm in, which lost 70% of the money I had in it last year, seems to be turning things around now. They made almost 20% last month. Of course, I'm still deep in the red in that, but if this new trading strategy continues with such results, then things should get back to normal in reasonable time.

I just got the book, The One Minute Millionaire. Seems good so far. As you would imagine, a lot of what is expounded in it, I was already onto. But it helps to motivate, and clarify concepts that were still forming in my mind.

So that's where things are now. Still on track for making the extra $500 per month, in some months time. I'm considering speeding this up, so I can move on to making the million. I'll keep you updated on my actions.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Update on one of my investments

Greetings Folks!

I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. Lots of things just managed to get in the way.

Anyhow, I mentioned in an entry a couple weeks ago, that I hoped to have some good news regarding one of the programs I'm in. Well I'm happy to report that I indeed do have the good news.

Remember I mentioned that when I first got sucked into the world of HYIPs, the first program I actually joined turned out to be legitimate? I also explained how they had a little set back, and so things were moving slowly. Ok, let me give you a clearer idea of what happened.

This particular HYIP (they actually don't like to be regarded as a HYIP btw), basically invests in various kinds of opportunities. I can't give much details, as that would violate the terms of agreement. But what I will say, is that one of their investment vehicles was a pre-IPO. That is, they got the opportunity to purchase shares of a company before the company actually went public (or got listed on the stock market).

The advantage to this kind of deal is they get to purchase at a very special low price. If the company is any good, the price is expected to go up significantly once it gets listed on the market. So naturally I was excited to be part of this opportunity.

I scrounged up some funds (this was back in late 2005), and directed it into this HYIP. The stock actually got listed on the market within a few months, which is really a short time frame for this sort of thing. Well the market must have realised that I was involved. For as soon as it went public, it only briefly went a bit higher than the price I was in for, but it quickly took a plunge only to get worse as the months went by. So this caused progress in this HYIP to slow down significantly.

Well, the good news is that over the last month and a half, the stock price has been climbing significantly. I am pleased to report that the value is now more than twice what I got in for. And supposedly, after next month, it is likely to escalate a lot more.

Now it still has a lot lot lot more to go before this one investment will give me any meaningful return. However, the HYIP itself is almost in a position to get the ball rolling again. This should contribute significantly to my millionaire quest.

Ok, that's all for now.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

For The Girls: Priceless Education

Hello Girls.

As you know, I've been looking out for your best interest, and have gone out of my way in the past to help you in your quest to get the guy. Well, I came upon a valuable resource recently that I believe every girl should take note of. So it is with great delight that I present the following to you:

A Must For All Girls!

Now go put this lesson into practice.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Progress Report

Good Day All.

As you know, I am attempting to make an extra $500 USD per month, outside of my regular salary. And as I said in my last entry, I'm for now focusing on adsense and hyips. So what I want to do here, is just give you an idea of how close I am to meeting this goal.

With adsense, I am not allowed to say how much I'm making from it, so I'm kinda restricted here. However, what I can say, is that the minimum required before I can actually request a cash-out, is $100, and at the rate I'm going, it could take several years before I see a dime from this income generating vehicle.

For the HYIP I referred to that I recently placed a small amount in, I happened to have gotten some positive news last week from the admin of the program. So as a result, I added some more funds to it. Still not as much I would want to, but if I am to deposit anymore, I will need to go through a longer and somewhat tedious process to transfer the money, as I don't have anymore money in my e-currency (e-gold) account now. So if I don't insert new funds into it, to get back my principal and start making $500 each month, should take me some months (probably 5 or 6). This is of course assuming the program doesn't crash prematurely.

Oh yes, one of the other programs I joined is now looking to show some positive results soon. Hopefully I can give a nice update on that later this week.

Aside from all the above, I have ideas. I'm always coming up with ideas, and I think I have some good ones in store. I have to put some more time into building up my adsense revenue (ie. increasing traffic to my sites) before I start pursuing these other ideas though.

So overall, things are looking really nice. I can say I'm on my way in my quest to becoming a millionaire. Might be a little too early though to say well on my way. But it's still some progress, I think.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Millionaire Quest: First Targets

Good Day All.

I apologise for the break in transmission. As I partly explained in my last post, I was quite preoccupied.

Well now I have time to once again focus on this quest of mine to become a millionaire. So far I've recounted various attempts I have already made, which turned out to be quite a mess. As you can see, I have not given up. What I want to do now, is to start setting targets, and iterate the methods I'm currently thinking of, to get where I intend to.

Ok, so bearing in mind my mishaps of the past, I decided to start with a modest goal. For now, I will endeavor to make a monthly salary of $500 USD in addition to what I get from my regular job. Once I can do this, and sustain it, then I will step things up a notch. Yes, I know, a far cry from the first million, but it is a start.

Now, let me make it clear, that I fully intend to make my extra cash, mainly through internet projects, if not entirely. For now, I'll be focusing on these two areas:

1. Google Adsense
2. High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs)

For the first, I have already created a few sites with adsense, but they have almost 0 traffic so far. In case you don't know, to really make money from adsense, you need to have a lot of traffic to your website. But I will be taking care of that obstacle in due course.

For the second, I will be proceeding extremely cautiously. I mentioned in a recent post, that I joined one that should pay close to 60% per month. We'll see how that works out. I might even consider adding some extra cash to it. Also, from my dabbling in these things over the last year and half, I still have hopes of some programs coming through. So if any of them do happen to do something exciting, I will let you know.

Ok, that's all for now. I had other things I wanted to mention here, but I will save such for a future post. Keep checking to see my progress. I intend to give a report on that soon.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Short update

Hello Readers.

I know it's been a while since my last post. I'm currently preparing to give a presentation later this week, so have not found the time to attend to this blog properly. I will try to get back to posting soon. In my next entry, I think I will start to talk about my plan going forward in my quest to become a millionaire. Some things I have already started, and others, still planning/contemplating.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

For The Guys: A Word About Dating

I have moved this post to the learning stuff site, where I can get more exposure. Advice like this deserves to be seen. See About Dating -Advice For Guys

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Entering the World of HYIPs cont'd

Good Day All.

In my last entry, I gave a synopsis of how I got involved with High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs). I mentioned how last year this time, I was fully expecting to be able to retire in 7-8 months (from then), despite the fact of suffering a massive loss just a few months prior to this.

How did I manage to move from such a disaster to such great hope in so little time? Well, as it turned out, I had also joined a few more programs aside from the total fiasco one. Of these, one produced close to 90% per month, on an investment. Principal and profit would actually be returned each month.

At about the time when I discovered I had been scammed BIG TIME by the other guys, I discovered another program that paid 90% per month, and they were actually doing that for about 10 months up to that time. For the former, which I was already in, I had only invested a small amount, as I had little faith in it. For the latter, as I had just suffered great loss, I was very much reluctant to risk any more, so I only put a very small amount in. Oh how I now regret not putting the bulk of my funds in these, rather than handing them over to outright scammers! I would have made a tidy sum if I had.

Well as time progressed, I developed more confidence in these 90%ers, as I saw the results coming in. So I focused my funds in these programs, and managed to recover most, if not all, of my losses by January (last year). That is, if I were to withdraw everything, I'd have covered my losses. Based on these rates of returns, I had projected retirement by around July or August last year. Now I had a specific amount in mind that I wanted to reach, before doing any withdrawals. I was scheduled to reach that amount by the end of January or early February. Essentially the plan would be to withdraw some at that stage, which would have been enough to cover all my prior losses, and leave the rest to compound. Alas, Murphy's law came into effect at this point.

Just days before I was scheduled to be paid for one of the programs, trouble found its way in. The details are somewhat complicated. But the bottomline was simple. A big fat 0. That's right, I would get back nothing. I must say though that the operator of this HYIP was not a scammer, and it was due to malicious outside forces that caused the whole thing to end. It was still a sad end though. At least I still had my other 90% project going, or so I thought.

It was just a matter of weeks before the other 90% HYIP took a hit too. They had a series of unfortunate events in a short space of time, which essentially crashed the project. I had managed to withdraw all my capital before this, so I was not losing additional funds here. However, I had accumulated a decent sum in profits by this time, which now would never materialise, so there was still some emotional trauma to deal with. Of course, my retirement plans went right out the window. I can't say for sure whether the operators of this HYIP are scammers, but based on the evidence, it seems to be the case that these guys are honest, but just happened to have a string of bad luck. They are still in the process of trying to refund all those who suffered loss of capital.

Anyway, such is life. I should mention though, that the first HYIP I found from the google ads, which I mentioned in my last entry, turned out to be genuine, and is still operating. However, they have had some difficulties, which have slowed its progress. Nevertheless, things are progressing, and it might turn out very well indeed. They have said from the start that it would take a few years to become a millionaire, with the kind of small investment that I made. So things are not so off-track.

I should also mention that as of last week, for the first time in several months now, I have joined a new HYIP. This one is supposed to pay something like 60% per month. I have entered it with only a small amount. I'll give updates on how this is working out from time to time.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Millionaire Quest: Entering The World of HYIPs

Greetings All!

This is my first post for 2007. So let me thank all of you who kept up with reading my blog last year. It does help me going when I'm down, to know that so many of you out there are interested in seeing me progress.

Well last year seems to have gone by pretty fast, and without the results I was hoping for. Imagine, just a year ago I was expecting to retire in 7 to 8 months. Yes, my biggest concern at the time, was how I was going to explain to people, especially my parents, that I was already retiring. Considering I had no money to speak of then (still don't), you'd probably have concluded that I lost a screw or two up there. So what was my plan this time?

Back in the middle of 2005, I discovered High Yield Investment Programmes (HYIPs). I did a search on the web one day, looking for investment opportunities, and came across a very enticing offer in one of the google ads. Essentially I'd become a millionaire in 3 years, with an investment of as little as $50. It was an offer I could not pass up, so I got in! I still wanted to know more about this thing, to see if anyone could corroborate that this was real. In doing research on this programme, I came across a LOT more programmes offering some very high yields in short spaces of time. Of course, some were clearly ridiculous, like the hourly payers (ie. they pay on an hourly basis) that promised some huge returns. Those no doubt would require hourly prayers. But there were some that I thought worth trying out. Afterall, they didn't require much capital to get in, and I told myself that I would not spend more than a specific amount out of my pocket. I would just use the profits from these and build.

Well it wasn't long before I found another excellent offer. This one promised to give $35000 for an investment of $1000, after 6 months. Now $1000 was much more than I had given myself permission to spend on these ventures. But I'm not the pessimistic sort. The way I looked at it, $35000 was too much to pass up, rather than, $1000 is too much to risk. So I was in.

Six months is quite a while to just sit back and wait for the big one. So to occupy myself, I did some more reading. These guys making the $35000 offer, also had another programme going. Basically you could double your money in 4 to 6 weeks. Also, they had options for taking out your money (principal+profit) at the end of each week. Not bad, I thought. I could just put a little in for a week or two, then take my capital, and reinvest the profits. So that's what I started doing. I did it for a week or two, and it worked fine. But then I started to look at their other options. The most lucrative was double your money after 4 weeks. But it would require leaving it for a full month, before being able to withdraw principal, AND, the minimum for this one was...well let's just say thousands.

Ok, that's a lot to be playing around with when you don't have much, and things are so risky. I did some thinking, and weighed my options. I saw that these guys already had a perfect 6 month track record for paying, and I was sure that if I could handle my stock market losses, then I could surely handle this if it turned sour. I guess you already figured that it did go sour.

If I recall correctly, it was less than two weeks before the programme folded up. They didn't disappear entirely in that period. Actually they made it seem that their servers were hacked, and that they'd be returning soon. Well after they had a good laugh, they confessed to being a scam from the start, then had a bigger laugh, and then they were gone. With my money. Well that did hurt a bit more than I was expecting. Yet this was all wrapped up by around September 2005. So how come by January, I was still having grand plans of retiring in just over half a year?

I'll tell you more next time.