Good Day All.
As you know, I am attempting to make an extra $500 USD per month, outside of my regular salary. And as I said in my last entry, I'm for now focusing on adsense and hyips. So what I want to do here, is just give you an idea of how close I am to meeting this goal.
With adsense, I am not allowed to say how much I'm making from it, so I'm kinda restricted here. However, what I can say, is that the minimum required before I can actually request a cash-out, is $100, and at the rate I'm going, it could take several years before I see a dime from this income generating vehicle.
For the HYIP I referred to that I recently placed a small amount in, I happened to have gotten some positive news last week from the admin of the program. So as a result, I added some more funds to it. Still not as much I would want to, but if I am to deposit anymore, I will need to go through a longer and somewhat tedious process to transfer the money, as I don't have anymore money in my e-currency (e-gold) account now. So if I don't insert new funds into it, to get back my principal and start making $500 each month, should take me some months (probably 5 or 6). This is of course assuming the program doesn't crash prematurely.
Oh yes, one of the other programs I joined is now looking to show some positive results soon. Hopefully I can give a nice update on that later this week.
Aside from all the above, I have ideas. I'm always coming up with ideas, and I think I have some good ones in store. I have to put some more time into building up my adsense revenue (ie. increasing traffic to my sites) before I start pursuing these other ideas though.
So overall, things are looking really nice. I can say I'm on my way in my quest to becoming a millionaire. Might be a little too early though to say well on my way. But it's still some progress, I think.
2 months ago
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