Monday, January 25, 2010

Struggling along with Adsense

I should have posted an update long ago. Last time I posted was last year. At the time I mentioned that my progress had slowed, as the site I was making consistent income from, fell in the google ranks. My plan was to create two new sites and try to raise my average daily earnings to approximately $3.

Ok, well I only created one additional site. I did not reach $3 per day, and I still haven't reached the $100 mark to request my first withdrawal. I am very close to it though, and I should definitely be able to request my first google cheque in February.

The new site I created is not yet on the first page of google. I think right now it is going between pages 3 and 4. However, for the few visitors I've received, I've gotten a taste of what things could be like once the site gets on the first page, as each click pays quite well.

My aim for this year, though I hope to achieve this long before the year is up, is to make on average $100 a day. I've done some calculations, and I think that I can reach this goal with 240 keyword focused posts. This is going to be a lot of work. First of all, it requires doing the keyword research. Then I will need to create the posts. Then I need to do what I can to get backlinks to each post/article, until they rank well enough to start earning near their potential.

As this is really a very tedious and time consuming task, I intend to outsource some of this work, using current earnings. So once I request a cash out, I will look into outsourcing some of the content creation. I will be spreading these articles over the few sites I have. If I find any real keyword winners, I may also create new sites to target them.

So my first order of business is to come up with about 240 keywords. Once I do this, I will try to put a timeline on when I hope to achieve the $100 per day. I am going to try to assemble this keyword list by the end of the first week in February. This should be an exciting year. So check back to see my progress.

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